CADE Books & media

We are a modern firm integrated by a network of publishing, training and multimedia project development professionals with extensive experience in the publishing and business industry. We have worked and developed both projects and services for national and foreign companies.

Currently, according to the needs of each project we integrate teams to develop books, academic products, services and multimedia, which gives us a lot of flexibility and savings in the creation of projects and training.

We also represent authors and publishers in the sale of rights of their works; in the sale of printed books and through digital content distribution platforms, as well as LMS educational platforms. We are affiliated to CANIEM (National Chamber of the Mexican Publishing Industry, membership number 3989).


Years of experience


Published titles


Throughout these years we have published hundreds of books with authors from high school and higher education in print and digital format, in addition to developing thousands of learning objects for students and teachers in print, digital and multimedia.



For more than 30 years we have been working together with public and private institutions in different regions of the country. The project includes the proposal, its implementation, the training process and follow-up.

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Experience and quality in education